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feel amazing!


Lisa Natale, a native Somervillen created Some.Yoga.Studio to be the yoga studio she always wished for as a busy Wall Street executive and mom who was often running late to her favorite yoga class.  Her love of yoga started when she attended her first class 18 years ago to compliment her running, it kicked her ass and changed her life! A lifelong fitness enthusiast, runner of two Boston marathons, she pays attention to every blissful detail of the experience to make the transition to and from the mat smooth, stress free and fun while you sweat, unwind and feel so amazing you will likely crave your workout. She believes your physical activity shouldn't feel like a chore or drain you, rather it should enhance your day by bringing you energy, joy, life! That is why she provides just what all hard working villens and urbanites need, a one stop shop for stress, stiffness and sometimes overwhelmed minds via Some.Yoga.Studio a yoga and lifestyle brand based on yoga, nourishment and music. She has a realistic, honest and modern approach that resonates with villens and urbanites in the know.


At Some Yoga Studio you are practicing yoga literally at a friend's house next door, in a beautiful, warm space located on the ground floor of the Gilman Square historic triple decker she grew up in with her family; grandmother Mary Natale on the second floor and Lisa, mom, dad and brothers Billy and Pasquale on the top floor. Although she never anticipated yoga would become part of her daily life let alone have her own studio in the Somerville home she grew up in, she believes in homegrown success because the studio's ground floor location is also the exact same space her father Sam ran a successful business, Middlesex Glass Company for over 35 years before retiring.  This long family history in the house and connection to her beloved Somerville community is good Karma and she is passionate about Some Yoga Studio supporting her guests in their yoga practice and commitment to whole health as friendly, passionately and locally as she can.


Lisa is a 2009 graduate from Frog Lotus Yoga School in the Berkshires. She is also a Certified Financial Planner and holds a BA in Business and Finance from Northeastern University. She gives thanks to her teachers, especially Jennifer Yarro. And above all, to her wonderful friends and family, and especially her son Timothy who is pure joy.


From Lisa:


I have been teaching yoga part time since 2009 as more of a hobby, I loved it so much but was working full time and caring for my son which left very little time in my day. When I got certified back in 2009, I was living in the Berkshires for an intensive program, I graduated, returned home and started renovations on the Somerville space to launch what is now Some.Yoga.Studio, when I blissfully got pregnant a month or so after. Since then I've been a new mom, worked full time and offered private, exclusive and free classes to friends and family (friends are more important than money).  


Wanting to find an activity I could enjoy with my son, I volunteered at my son's school as the children's yoga instructor. It was so wonderful, I couldn't wait to teach each next class. The experience was so incredible, I learned as much from the children as they did from me. It's amazing how three year old children intergrate yoga into their everyday lives.


One of the things I love most about teaching yoga, is observing the energy shift in people by the end of class and knowing each class has enhanced their day. With each class I taught, more and more emails would come from people asking when I was holding the next class, if they could bring a friend and incredible, positive feedback about how amazing and nurtured they felt. How they slept better. People just never stopped coming. It's all been so rewarding and inspiring that I decided to go from Wall Street to Wellness, permanently take the pumps off, trade in my designer suites for more lululemon and opening my secret zen den to the public full time this fall.


I took the rare opportunity to spend summer on the cape with my family and son who is pure joy and growing up so fast. My secret zen den, Some.Yoga.Studio, was named last summer while watching Charlotte's web with my son, I just loved the "Some Pig" web miracle of "in praise for the pig" and thought "Some Yoga, in praise of Yoga, the miracle of yoga" and ironically the name is also fitting to the location in (Some)rville.  My main goal is to create the right environment for people to practice yoga, while paying attention to every detail to make their transition to and from the mat an incredible 360 degree sensorial experience. Basically, to enhance as many people's day as I can through yoga, nutrition and music. I would be so grateful to practice with you. I think my grandmother would be proud. Super excited to see you in the studio! XX- Lisa


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